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Multicultural House

The Multicultural House

Established in 1977, the Multicultural House (MC) has four bedrooms and comfortably houses an average of four residents and one Resident Assistant (RA). This house focuses on raising diversity awareness on Whitman’s campus by celebrating and promoting different cultures. For example, some traditional events that take place here include cultural event celebration, international potlucks, global current events forums, and activities related to different cultures.

The Multicultural House is affiliated with the Glover Alston Intercultural Center and is assigned an adviser from this office. At least once in the semester, the house adviser is invited over for dinner to discuss the programs that the residents are planning for the semester.

Residents of the Multicultural House are responsible for completing weekly chores, having house activities and the Interest House Community, and promoting Multicultural House-sponsored events and activities.

If you would like to eat dinner at the Multicultural House or have any questions about house activities, please contact the current RA.

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