In 2004, a team of student affairs professionals presented seven broad categories of learning outcomes in Learning Reconsidered: A Campus-Wide Focus on the Student Experience (NASPA/ACPA). The following student learning outcomes are organized within these categories.
Whitman College Residence Life Learning Outcomes
Cognitive Complexity: Students will learn to...
- foresee the consequences of their actions
- articulate their ideas while respecting contrary ones
- think independently and make decisions for themselves
- process information regarding housing needs and requirements
Knowledge Acquisition, Integration, and Application: Students will learn to...
- use knowledge gained from classroom and extracurricular experiences and apply it to their residence hall community living
- identify and utilize appropriate campus and life resources
- internalize and follow basic college policies
- recognize the Wellness Model* as a means to well-rounded living
Humanitarianism: Students will learn to...
- respect, value, and appreciate diversity in the broadest sense
- understand their personal identity and how it relates to their community
- engage in discussion around sensitive issues
- acknowledge the effect of past experiences on individual perspectives
Civic Engagement: Students will learn to...
- recognize their personal impact on individual Whitman community members (students, faculty, and staff) and the community as a whole
- recognize the importance of community standards
- implement strategies for coexisting with others in a common living space
- connect to the community outside of their residence hall
- recognize effective leadership skills and opportunities to develop as leaders
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Competence: Students will learn to...
- communicate thoughts and feelings effectively
- effectively manage and deal with conflict
- recognize the role of collaboration and interdependence in community living
- set boundaries in living situations and environments
- navigate mature relationships
Practical Competence: Students will learn to...
- make healthy lifestyle choices
- effectively prioritize and manage their time commitments
- perform basic life skills (i.e. laundry, cleaning, etc.)
- follow safety procedures and the importance of such procedures
Persistence and Academic Achievement: Students will learn ...
- to set goals and utilize strategies to obtain them
- the role that residential living plays in a liberal arts education
- to prioritize academics as the central aim of a liberal arts education
- to study effectively in a residential college environment
*The Wellness Model consists of six areas that contribute to well-rounded development and growth: social, lifestyle, emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual areas.