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Junior-Senior Village Apartments (coming Fall 2025!)

Artist rendering of the future Junior-Senior Village Apartments

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The Junior-Senior Village apartments are semi-furnished. Each bedroom includes a full XL bed with mattress, desk, dresser and desk chair. Living areas come with larger furniture pieces such as a dining table, dining chairs and some additional soft seating. Furnishings must stay in the apartment while tenants are living there. 


Students will have access to laundry facilities in each of the buildings.


All utilities for the Junior-Senior Village apartments are included in the cost, including water, sewer, garbage, electricity, heat and internet.

Air Conditioning

All Junior-Senior Village apartments have air conditioning.

Extra Tenants

In the Junior-Senior Village apartments, there can only be one student living in each bedroom. Additional tenants are not allowed. Occasional overnight guests are allowed with the approval of all students living in the space together.

Available Apartments and Rental Agreements

Building Number of 4-Bedroom Apartments Number of 3-Bedroom Apartments Number of 2-Bedroom Apartments Agreement Duration

Harvey Hall




9-month agreement (2025–2026 Fall/Spring semester)

Robart Hall 




12-month agreement (2025–2026 Fall/Spring semester and 2026 Summer)

Stegner Hall




12-month agreement (2025–2026 Fall/Spring semester and 2026 Summer)

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